3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Minimal design is one of the base principles of Nudge Display. The unit's unique modular design uses fewer components than similar products in the market, without compromising in the slightest on sturdiness or durability. Most of these components are reusable and tested to minimise waste and optimise usage.


As we work on innovating new products in our labs, one of the challenges we set ourselves is to find multiple ways to use and reuse each item we create. For example, the EPD and other components that are used in Nudge Display are very hard-wearing; we test them on a variety of indoor and outdoor uses so that when a unit comes to the end of its life, we look to repair and repurpose them whenever possible. Every part that is saved from a landfill is a matter of celebration!


There is an e-waste crisis in the UK today. With a reported average of nearly 24 kg of e-waste per head, we have to do our best to create products with the maximum possible potential for recycling. To that end, the plastic casing and batteries used for Nudge are chosen for their recyclability as much as their other features. When the units reach their end of life, we are happy to collect them and pass individual components back into the 3 Rs as appropriate.


Way back in childhood we learnt to live by the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.

As adults today we build our products to reflect these values:

Modular design

Nudge consists of individually designed modules that can be repaired, replaced or even reused without affecting the rest of the unit.

80% recyclable

The plastic casing and rechargeable batteries make Nudge 80% recyclable. We are working to bring this number even higher.

Very low power

The EPDs used for Nudge consume very little energy. Over time, this powerful little unit will barely make a blip on your bills.

Minimal components

The fewest necessary components, of the highest quality possible, allow Nudge to work with the lowest possible ‘footprint’.


Want to join hands on our journey to build a more sustainable future? We would love to hear from you!