Your Attention, Please!

In June 2023 Heathrow saw over 7 million passengers fly in and out. And it wasn’t even the holidays! How do you reach out to such large and diverse audiences in a manner that is at once timely, effective and also accessible? You use Nudge digital messaging platform, of course.

Update information across terminals with a quick click. Offer multiple kinds of information based on the real-time use as recorded on the spot. Make your messaging count every time. Electronic Paper Display (EPD) technology makes Nudge Display a low-energy, highly accessible electronic screen that allows quick and easy updates. High contrast colours make your message easily seen across the room but since the displays are not backlit, they will not be disruptively bright either.

Nudge Display screens can be joined to make a larger screen for more crowded spaces. A gentle nudge at the appropriate moment will remind travellers to keep bathrooms clean, or find appropriate resting spaces or even match them with the perfect shopping offer.

Choice Architecture for Travel

While the design of airports is of course a deep and complicated science, part of the complexity comes from needing to understand how travellers and staff will use the space. Choice architecture – or the science of creating decision environments that influence decision-making in specific, desirable ways – is, thus, entirely integral to our very understanding of airport design.

To cut down on food waste, for example, airports may provide food courts with daily public updates about their food waste statistics. Individuals can see how their own consumption stacks up against their peers and thus increase the probability of making wiser choices. Similarly, messaging in the food court could focus on the promotion of healthy eating behaviours. By strategically arranging and presenting the food choices, such as placing fresh fruits and vegetables at eye level or near the entrance of a food stall, while displaying messaging on the benefits of these options, consumers are more likely to choose healthier options.
